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You can now contact the surgery online to tell us about your medical problem (same day/urgent appointment or within 7 days) or ask an admin question. You can ask for help anytime, anywhere within the UK, and with any device. Using Online Consultations allows us to quickly and safely decide on the best way to help you, your child, or an adult in your care. You can expect a response same day if submitted between 8am and 4pm.

Submit online consultation here

Welcome to Greengates Medical Group

We are confident that our website will provide clear and concise help and give our patients the information they require in an easy and convenient format. It has been designed with the patient’s needs at the forefront of everything, from checking surgery times to letting us know what you think of us.

Serving You

Our dedicated team are here to treat those minor ailments that occur as well as providing specialist management of long-term conditions and clinics covering a wide range of healthcare issues. The technology also means you can now do a lot of things from the comfort of your home such as order a repeat prescription or cancel an appointment.

Partners in Care

Once registered, patients and healthcare professionals work together to ensure the most appropriate care is provided. This partnership philosophy extends even further and our active patient group exists to make sure that patient needs and the practice offering are always heading in the same direction.


We are pleased to share some exciting news about a significant change to our appointment system, that will improve how Greengates Medical Group delivers healthcare services to you.

From the 8th July 2024 we are moving to a Total Triage model. The aim is to improve accessibility to our services and improve the quality of care our patients receive.


What does this mean for you?

From Monday 8th July 2024, we are asking all our patients to use an online form to contact the surgery.  This will apply to anything you would normally call the surgery about for example to book a routine or urgent appointment, let us know about changes to your treatment or medication, and all other administrative and clinical queries.

Whilst our phone lines will still be open, if you do call the surgery, we will politely request you complete an online form.  If your personal circumstances mean that it is impossible for you to do this, or for someone you know to complete the form on your behalf, our administration team will assist you with this.


All forms will be screened by a GP on the same day.

You can watch a video about how to submit your form here:


The form is brief, and will ask you the following questions:

  • What your query is about
  • What action you would like
  • Your preference for who or when you would like to deal with your problem.
  • You will be invited to submit photos if relevant.


Please note the following appointments are exempt from the online form submission and can be made by calling the surgery:

  • Blood pressure checks
  • Long term conditions review
  • Smears
  • Routine Vaccinations
  • Baby checks
  • Postnatal checks
  • COPD/Asthma reviews
  • Diabetes reviews


What happens after my form is submitted?

  •  Administrative tasks will be dealt with by our administration team in the usual way.
  • Clinical queries are triaged by the doctor and categorised according to urgency of need. We have appointments available within different time frames, including on the same day.  
  • We may organise some investigations for you while you are waiting to be seen.
  • It may be possible to deal with your problem directly without the need to see a clinician.  Alternatively, you receive advice about self care or other services you can refer yourself to. 


Why has Greengates Medical Group has decided to change to this system?

We understand that change can sometimes be difficult, but we are confident that Total Triage will bring many benefits: 

  • Improved Access to Care: Total Triage has been shown to increase capacity of appointments and reduce waiting times.
  • Convenience: Using digital communication will mean that you can engage with us from the comfort of your home or workplace. If you haven’t already, please download the NHS App or make your requests online by filling in the online form.
  • Enhanced Patient Experience: Experience from other practices already using a total triage system has shown that overall patient satisfaction is generally greatly improved.


What if my problem is urgent?

You should still submit an online form.  Please do so as early as possible on the day to ensure your problem can be dealt with by our duty team.


Can I request a prescription using the online form?

For repeat prescriptions please continue to request via the NHS app.


What if I don’t have access to the internet?

You are also welcome to use our Wi-Fi with your own device.


What if a patient does not speak English?

We understand that it can be difficult for non-English speaking patients to access care, and we have no wish to make this harder.   If possible, please ask a friend or family member to complete the form, or consider using an online translation tool such as google translate.   If these options are not possible our patient support team will assist you with an interpreter if necessary.


What if a patient is housebound, elderly, or not able to use online systems?

We will work hard to recognise vulnerable patients who cannot be expected to use the online form (though we would still encourage family members and carers to use the form on the patient’s behalf as it is a very useful way of communicating with the surgery).  These patients will still be able to speak to our patient support team who will complete a form on their behalf.


Home visits

This process is not changing, you can request a home visit by calling the surgery directly. It is helpful to receive these requests before 10am.



The Infected Blood Inquiry Report was published on Monday 20 May.

The Inquiry has examined why people were given infected blood and/or infected blood products; the impact on their families and how the authorities (including government) responded.
Timeline of historical events:
1970 to 1991: Imported blood infected with HIV and Hepatitis C was given to patients in the form of transfusions, plasma and other blood products.
1985: All blood donations have been tested for HIV since October 1985.
1991: All blood donations have been tested for Hepatitis C since 1 September 1991.
Since testing has been introduced, the risk of acquiring an infection from a blood transfusion is very low. There have been no reported and confirmed cases of hepatitis C, from any UK blood component, since a 1997 transfusion and for HIV from a transfusion in 2002.
Modern safety standards are extremely rigorous and NHS Blood and Transplant's services follow strict guidelines and testing to protect both donors and patients, and are subject to regular inspections by independent regulators.
We know that people may be concerned about their own health following recent media coverage, so there is a new online resource for patients and the public to find help and support -
If you are concerned about a possible hepatitis C infection, you can book a home NHS test online. The tests are free and confidential. To receive a self-testing kit which can be quickly dispatched to your home visit
We have been advised by colleagues at Hull University Teaching Hospitals that if people present to General Practice, concerned about their own personal risk in relation to previous blood transfusions, they should be signposted to contact HUTHT PALS on 01482 623065 who will arrange triage and testing where appropriate.
Thank you

Travel Clinic

The practice only offers free NHS Travel Vaccines

We will only provide Hepatitis A, Typhoid and Tetanus/Diptheria/Polio vaccines if required.

If you request any of the Free Travel Vaccines provided by the NHS, please be aware of the length of protection from any previous vaccines that have been given:

Hepatitis A, 2 vaccines – 25 years protection

Tetanus, diphtheria, polio – 10 years protection

Typhoid – 3 years protection

Patients need to check their vaccine history via the NHS app, online or request a paper copy of vaccine history from the practice, review themselves which vaccine they may need for travel; website

Book a 10 minute nurse consultation appointment if a free vaccine as above is needed.

Other private travel vaccines can be sourced from:

Newland Health Centre, 187 Cottingham Road, Hull. HU5 2EG.  Tel No: 01482 492219.  Website:


Hull Travel Clinic, 16 West End, Swanland, Hull. HU14 3PE.  Tel No: 01482 631896.  Website: www.hulltravelclinic

The practice does not offer any coronavirus testing

Vaccination UK

School vaccination programme for Meningitis ACWY and DTP Booster

These 2 vaccinations will be offered either at school or community clinic by Vaccination UK to all young people born between September 2009-August 2010. 

Meningococcal Meningitis

Meningococcal disease is caused by the bacteria Neiserria Meningitidis, of which there are around 12 strains. Six strains are responsible for epidemics worldwide-A, B. C, W, X and Y. Strains B and C are mainly responsible for outbreaks in industrialised countries, whereas strains A and W135 occur in the “meningitis belt” of Sub Saharan Africa, stretching from Senegal to parts of Ethiopia and causing outbreaks in the dry season annually.

Find NHS information on the Meningitis ACWY vaccine here:


Diphtheria is a highly infectious disease affecting the throat and upper airways, caused by the diphtheria bacterium. The disease is found worldwide and high vaccination uptake is required to keep the rates of infection low. It is still prevalent in many countries due to low immunisation levels, especially the Indian Subcontinent, Central and South East Asia, Africa and South America


Tetanus is a life threatening infection caused by a bacteria that is found in the environment worldwide.


Poliomyelitis (polio) is a highly infectious viral disease, which mainly affects young children. Since the launch of the Global Eradication Programme led by WHO, the incidence of Polio has fell by 99% since 1988. The disease is now endemic in 2 countries-Pakistan and Afghanistan. However, sporadic outbreaks still occur due to imported disease or as result of the oral polio vaccine virus reverting to infectious type

Find NHS information on commonly asked questions here:

To consent please visit

To find out details of the community clinics available please visit
Catch-up clinics (

Vaccination UK

MMR - Children

Serious diseases, like measles, mumps and rubella, could rise in the area. Measles is more than just a rash with 1 in 5 children developing serious complications from a measles infection, which can include meningitis and blindness.

Have your children had all their vaccinations?

The best way to protect your children from these serious and preventable diseases is to keep their vaccinations up to date. The Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine is safe and has been used since the early 1980s.

Check your child’s red book and make an appointment with your GP to catch up on any missing vaccinations.

Find out more – (link to

MMR - Adults

Measles, mumps and rubella are serious diseases. They are highly infectious conditions and can easily spread between unvaccinated people.

Getting vaccinated isn’t just for children and young people. It is important at any age as these conditions can lead to serious issues including meningitis, hearing loss and problems during pregnancy.

Have you had all your vaccinations?

The best way to protect yourself from these preventable diseases is to keep your vaccinations up to date. The Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine is safe and has been used since the early 1980s.

Make an appointment with your GP to catch up on any missing vaccinations.

Strep A Infections

For more information, please follow the link below

Strep A information

Online New Patient Registrations

Online New Patient Registrations are now live.  Please visit the "New Patients" tab at the top of the page and click the link to continue.

About Care Navigation

Message for people with diabetes in the group:

As you know, as part of your diabetes annual review, urine testing is really important to look for early signs of kidney damage. We do this through a test called the albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR) test, which looks for small amounts of protein in the urine.

We know people struggle to do the test, and many would prefer to avoid the clinic and test at home wherever possible. That’s why we are offering a new, NHS funded service to allow people to do this test at home with a kit and a smartphone.

If you meet the criteria for the new service, you will receive a text message (or a letter!) about this testing process, which is run by If you want to find out more, please click here:

This text is not a scam; you do not need to pay for the service, and if you would rather opt out of the process you can say at any time. If you want to speak to their customer support team, you can call them on 020 7183 7939

New Patient Triage - AccuRx


GP Online Communications Campaign

Visit for more information about GP Online Services. 

Here, at Greengates Medical Group, our GP Online Communications Service is AccuRx.  Please visit here to access this service.


If you have concerns about the safety of an adult or child, the links on this page might help in the first instance.


Try the NHS app

If you are a patient at our practice you can now use the NHS app, a simple and secure way  to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

You can use the NHS app to check your symptoms to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical records and more. Go to for more information.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

This Group have appointed Barry Jackson to be the Data Protection Office (DPO).  He is employed by N3i and can be contacted through their service desk on phone: 0300 002 0001 or email:

(Site updated 16/07/2024)
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